Dale Care is a domiciliary care service, and from the 5th of September will be working with Hull City Council as the primary care provider in Northeast Hull.
Speaking to Carol Jackson, Marketing and Communications Manager, she said “We see Hull as a vibrant and developing city that offers lots of opportunities for Dale Care and a place where we can really make a difference.”
After the tender for Hull City Council became available, Dale Care saw this as a perfect opportunity to work with a council who are looking to change the model of home care and improve conditions for care staff.
Currently, Dale Care works with nine different councils across the Northeast of England. “We may be new to the area, but we are not new to home care.” Carol stated, having been a care service provider since 1986, employing around 1300 carers.
When they applied to the council, they were assigned zone 1, which covers the entire Northeast region of Hull. Carol told me that “We want to embrace Hull. We want to be a part of the community.” When looking for the ideal location they found The Bespoke Centre on Zeals Garth – a perfect location for working amongst the community. The location is a perfect fit for the company and carers of whom they’re sourcing locally.

In the run-up to their start date in September, Dale Care have planned big events over the summer to make themselves known to the community. They recently organised three Coffee Van events based in locations around the local community. One of these locations was outside the Bransholme Health Centre, where they handed out free drinks and biscuits to the public. Talking about how the event went, Carol said, “It was brilliant. We got a lot of positive feedback from various people visiting the centre throughout the day.”
Part of Carol’s job involves community engagement by working with local charities to work with and alongside them. One of these events was a ‘Fun Day’ organised by the United Residents of Bransholme Area (URBAN), which took part during the school holidays. On this a ‘Fun Day’, they spent the day handing out free ice cream and talking to the community. We’re looking to host additional events in key areas, with one area confirmed and identified is Lambwath Park.
Taking time to participate in local events allows people in the area to become aware of who they are and what they are involved in.
One of the ways you can keep up to date with the latest events and community news is by visiting their Facebook page. Here you could see how they get involved within the community and how it can positively impact them and those around. Currently, Carol feels care services have a negative image, “I want to change that by helping to change its perception to impact its community positively.”
To contact Dale Care
Call: 01482259655
Email: [email protected]